I can never tell whether or not I believe in God. Then, every so often, I get a gentle reminder that God isn’t the point, being good is.
Nathan Timmel
The BlogA Love Letter to Iowa
To some people, living in a state like Iowa would be considered torture. Good on them; they can stay out. Leaves more Iowa for me to enjoy.
Some of My Best Friends are Stupid
Are your best friends people you have absolutely everything in common with, or do you associate with people you disagree with?
My Moment with Metallica
It’s not often an awkward teenage metal head gets to meet a Rock God, but back in the day I put in the effort to meet Metallica.
Helena Handbasket: A Musical Obsession
If you lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the 1990s (and were a fan of music), then you knew the band Helena Handbasket. They were fantastic.
The Late Night Personality Test
There are many personality tests a person can take: The Beatles or The Rolling Stones. Cory Haim or Corey Feldman. And of course, Leno or Letterman. Brett Favre, is a Leno.
The Infertility Club
After every show, I’d be approached by people who struggled with infertility. They’d share their stories—how many years deep they were, or how many years total before they gave up, how much it cost, what it did to their marriage…
The Internet Critic
People have always had opinions; the Internet gave them a platform with which to fart theirs to the world.
Why We Fail
In April, 2013, the department store chain JC Penney fired its CEO, former Apple executive Ron Johnson. It’s a move that makes sense, because if there’s one thing Apple is known for, it’s failure, right?
You Confuse Me, Joe Webb
Would you rather go through life ready to confront challenge, or shirk from it?
Rage On, Internet Warrior: Part Deux
What is or is not appropriate in the world of comedy? Well, that’s different for everyone.
Rage On, Internet Warrior: Part 1
Let me tell you a joke…