Nathan Timmel
The BlogThe Importance of Emotional Support
Trying to get through life is adrous at best, and downright awful at worst. Especially if you have no one offering emotional support.
Inside the Political Closet
We romantacize small town ways, but are they really beneficial to us? What happens when we outgrow them intellectually, yet still live in one?
Get Rich Semi-Quick
No matter where you are, even in the middle of a war zone, you’ll find that someone has a plan to get rich quick. Or, in this case, semi-quick.
A Gentle Reminder
I can never tell whether or not I believe in God. Then, every so often, I get a gentle reminder that God isn’t the point, being good is.
I Owe it All to You, Sue
“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” ~Jerry Seinfeld Though my path to being a stand-up comedian...
A Happy Accident
Making a CD isn’t limited to creating the content inside, you need an album cover, too. Thanks to a happy accident, I got one I like.
My Daughter Can’t Dance
My daughter enjoys certain after-school activities, and dislikes others. Should I allow her to do what she likes, or force maturity upon her?
Anger Issues and Old Friends
The people we surround ourselves with are generally reflections of ourselves. This becomes problematic when we take our anger out on our friends.
Facebook Jail: Where the Innocent are Guilty
Facebook Jail, I know you all too well. In the past year, the site has gotten worse, not better. It’s almost as if Facebook doesn’t care.
A Love Letter to Iowa
To some people, living in a state like Iowa would be considered torture. Good on them; they can stay out. Leaves more Iowa for me to enjoy.
Eminem: A Revisionist History Not Told by Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell probably won’t turn his Revisionist History eye toward Eminem and Michael Jackson, but he should. As always, our outrage was misplaced.
Emotion vs. Action
It should go without saying that charity should involve deeds, not thoughts. That’s not always the case, unfortunately. All too often, people confuse their good intentions with doing actual good. Comedy for Charity sets out to change that.