Nathan Timmel
The BlogDisintegration
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…”
It is always interesting when seeing the world through the eyes of a bigot. And, of course, by “interesting,” I mean sad.
What drives people, neglect, or success? Or does it depend on the personality?
A Connection Worth Waiting For?
Two years and thousands of insurance dollars later, I discover that impending fatherhood brings about a sensation I don’t feel all too often in life: fear.
A Nose for all that is Unholy
Will Hunting had an aptitude for mathematic equations and memorizing book passages. Einstein unraveled the secrets of the universe. Everyone on this planet has a gift, and a very good friend of mine is no different, even if his “gift” is.
I Was a White Knight… Once Readers Say "This book makes you cry and smile, and at times, you just want to seek him out and give [Nathan] a great big hug." "Humorous, uplifting, and wonderfully tragic." "His writing is genuine, authentic, unabashedly honest and replete with engaging...
Faith and Courage
What should be a career ending move: the tearing of a picture or beating of a woman? In American society, the answer is very disappointing.
It’s an honor to perform for American troops stationed far from home. Sometimes you learn just how much so.
An Internal Thunder
You have moments in life that reach the core of who you are supposed to be and how you are supposed to think, and then they fade…