Nathan Timmel

The Blog
Sure, anyone can make words on a screen. And anyone can yap into a microphone. But how many can do both?
Results for Fatherhood & Parenting
Dear Truman…

Dear Truman…

June 1, 2015 Dear Truman, You have reached a milestone, and I am sorry. A few short weeks ago, you had little in the way of separation anxiety. We’d put you in your crib and you’d mewl for a minute, maybe two. After that you’d think, “Oh, what the hell? I’m tired....

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A Night Alone

A Night Alone

September 16, 2013, was a milestone for my daughter. That morning was the first time she ever woke up with neither her mother nor her father in the house she knew as home. I had been in Chattanooga the night before and was doing my best to return to her side. Driving...

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A Chance Encounter

A Chance Encounter

Invisible bonds exist between certain people, such as that between members in the military or those that tie a family together, and one such connection is present between mothers.

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