On paper, it might seem neat to have a comedian at your party/reception/whatever. Your guests gets some yucks, and people love laughing, right? Well, no.
Nathan Timmel
The BlogBe Offended. Be Very Offended.
Every so often—or every day, depending on the thickness of your personal skin—I write, say, or post something that offends someone.
If you like upvoting, please visit my pages at imgur and reddit. (click a meme for its full-size version) Vegans Harvard Buddhists "Couch" is Also a "C" Word American History: Texas Pearl Harbor Sucked... and I Miss You ISIS Or Maybe I'm Just a Pussy The Highs &...
D.I.Y. (But Only if Famous)
What makes you, a nobody, think you can do this on your own? Why are you ignoring the powers that be?
The Modern Age of Comedy
“No one scouts open microphones looking for talent anymore. All that matters is how many Twitter or Instagram followers you have.”
The Powerful Powerless
As a comedian, I have a rare job. I stand on stage under a spotlight, and hold a microphone that amplifies my words…
Are Heckler Videos Hurting Comedy?
Comedians are on stage to express themselves; we have ideas, and we want those ideas to generate laughter.
Two Horrible Shows
I’m often asked two questions: what’s your favorite show; what’s your least favorite show?
Dear Drunk Woman: A Comedian Apologizes
You might want to stop reading now, because that’s all that should be said. Apologies are supposed to stand on their own.
An Audience of Seventeen Soldiers
In October, 2005, I traveled to Afghanistan.
The Politics of Comedy
Several years ago, I received an email from Comedy Booking Inc…
Be Who You Are
I am a Honkey. Or “Cracker-American,” if we’re being politically correct.