I’m a stand-up comedian. Because I’m an unknown commodity in a world that trades on fame, I perform wherever I’m hired; I don’t get to pick-and-choose. Unlike name comedians like Chris Rock who bring their fans to the venue, I perform in front of customers who entered...
Nathan Timmel
The BlogIt’s A Wonderful Life: Modern Edition
Every year, It’s A Wonderful Life makes us laugh and cry. But isn’t it time for an update? A modern take on the classic film?
The Millennial Killing Field
If you have eyeballs, every few months you'll see the same article: "Millennials Are Killing the (Fill in the Blank) Industry." The stories are always kissing cousins, and they're everywhere. Right-wing sources, "fake news," pop culture infotainment... they all like...
Facebook: A Fascist Site Gets Worse
Facebook has always been a site ruled capriciously and with a heavy hand, but lately it has been getting worse.
The Unfortunate Truth About Belief
There are facts, and there are beliefs. Sometimes the two match up, but when they are at odds, belief will always win.
I Lost a Friend to Joe Rogan
The Joe Rogan Experience is the most popular podcast. Naturally, this makes it the biggest target. Truth is, there is good, bad, and ugly in everything.
Facebook Jail: Where the Innocent are Guilty
Facebook Jail, I know you all too well. In the past year, the site has gotten worse, not better. It’s almost as if Facebook doesn’t care.
Why Do We Care What Louis C.K. Says?
Last week, Twitter took to arms because Louis C.K. made jokes. While it’s fine to not like certain comedians, why get upset over it?
Another Clickbait Article About Jordan Peterson
Is Jordan Peterson an angel, or the devil? Each side has their answer, but is either side actually correct, or is the truth in the middle?
What I Learned While in Facebook Jail
Have you been in Facebook Jail? If you have, you know there’s nothing you can do about it, Facebook doesn’t care.
Facebook: Pay to Play
If you’re seeing this on Facebook, I’m stunned. Facebook is a pay-to-play site, and I’m not a fan of they way their algorithm stifles and hides posts from user feeds.
Bill Maher and Bread Bags
Bill Maher has every right to make fun of anything he sees fit. But he should understand the situation in its entirety when doing so.