First steps, first word, first time pooping in the bathtub… as a stand-up comedian, Nathan Timmel missed numerous milestones during the first year of his daughter’s life. Traveling from town to town, he spent his night slinging jokes while his daughter Hillary discovered the world around her.
Nathan Timmel
The BlogAn Anonymous Tale
Do you have a toddler? Chances are, you have a poop story to tell the world. I swear this one isn’t mine. Really. I feel sorry for the janitor, though.
Coming In October
My newest book, “It’s OK to Talk to Animals (and Other Letters from Dad” — a reflection on parenting when you find yourself away from home more often than not.
One Step Back
In certain areas on this planet, women can be (and are) put to death at the whims of men. With an air of condescension, we Americans shout, “Look at those savages!” But are we really the superior nation when we subjugate women using legal means, not blunt force?
The Wonderful World of Public Restrooms
I have written this before, but it is absolutely worth repeating: I cannot wait until you have reached the age where you are no longer fascinated with my bathroom activities.
A Fetish for the Ages
I two-armed a particularly large batch of items, and as I tossed them into the washing machine you started howling. You were off my lap and head first into the washer before I could react. Over the shoulder you threw item after item, digging deep into the pile of stinkables waiting to be cleaned.
A Moment to Myself
You know I love you more than words. You are my everything, and I orbit around you as does the earth the sun. I love spending almost every moment I can with you. Note that word, “almost…”
November 23, 2013
Welp, daughter o’ mine… you will be an only child for only so much longer. This is how we chose to announce Mommy’s pregnancy to the world.
Unconventional Boundaries
My whole life, I’ve watched parents swat at their children’s hands in stores. I didn’t want to follow that path, so I’ve explored the world with my daughter instead.
Dear Hillary…
It is November 15th, and I am sitting in a hotel room in Moorhead, Minnesota, missing you dearly…
A Night Alone
September 16, 2013, was a milestone for my daughter. That morning was the first time she ever woke up with neither her mother nor her father in the house she knew as home. I had been in Chattanooga the night before and was doing my best to return to her side. Driving...
A Moment in my Mother’s Shoes: Audio
It’s taken too long, but if you’re not a fan of reading I finally have something for your ears… My memoir, I Was a White Knight… Once, is now available as an audio book.