Nathan Timmel
The BlogWhy Marriages Fail
Marriage is work. Hard. Work.
The Politics of Comedy
Several years ago, I received an email from Comedy Booking Inc…
Be Who You Are
I am a Honkey. Or “Cracker-American,” if we’re being politically correct.
Thank You, Preston Lacy
Rodney Dangerfield said he didn’t get any respect.
5 Reasons to See an Unknown Comedian
Just because you haven’t heard of someone, doesn’t mean they’re not good at their craft.
Dear Truman…
June 1, 2015 Dear Truman, You have reached a milestone, and I am sorry. A few short weeks ago, you had little in the way of separation anxiety. We’d put you in your crib and you’d mewl for a minute, maybe two. After that you’d think, “Oh, what the hell? I’m tired....
The Future Needs a Big Kiss
If you ever have a comedy show at a college, you better be prepared to walk on eggshells. Sensitivity levels are off the charts, and it’s getting worse.
The Internet Critic
People have always had opinions; the Internet gave them a platform with which to fart theirs to the world.
A Real Life Del Griffith
Last year I put 40,000 miles on my car. This makes me especially touchy when it comes to shitty drivers, a description that can encompass a wide-range of people.
The Woodshed
When the Foo Fighters arrived in 1995, I was as stunned as anyone. Here was the drummer from Nirvana fronting a band. Not only was he fronting it, he played all the instruments on the debut album, having written every song. And those songs were pretty fucking awesome.
The Ballad of Justine Sacco
On December 20, 2013, Justine Sacco was boarding a flight to Africa. Offhandedly, she Tweeted: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!”
Sober Doesn’t Mean Less Stupid
In my line of work—stand up comedian—you deal with people who are drinking…