Nathan Timmel
The BlogWhy I Married a Feminist
I’m comfortable enough in my own skin to be married to a strong, intelligent woman.
Colin Kaepernick Sat Down and I Don’t Give A Shit
Who is doing more to raise awareness of racial inequality in America, Donald Drumpf, or Colin Kaepernick?
The Modern Age of Comedy
“No one scouts open microphones looking for talent anymore. All that matters is how many Twitter or Instagram followers you have.”
The Powerful Powerless
As a comedian, I have a rare job. I stand on stage under a spotlight, and hold a microphone that amplifies my words…
Are Heckler Videos Hurting Comedy?
Comedians are on stage to express themselves; we have ideas, and we want those ideas to generate laughter.
Two Horrible Shows
I’m often asked two questions: what’s your favorite show; what’s your least favorite show?
Is Empathy Dead?
After every tragedy, the Internet is where people express empathy, understanding, and unfortunately, ignorance and anger.
How Omar Mateen’s Parents Failed Him
Everyone is talking about gun control, ISIS, homophobia, and radical Islam. Why is no one talking about Omar Matten’s parents?
Donald Drumpf Finally Scares Me
When Dick Cheney and Rick Santorum like someone, that person is a dumpster-fire of a human being.
Dear Walmart Woman
If we were in line next to one another at a store, you would be outraged if you heard me say: “This is why you eat right and exercise, so you don’t get fat.”
Neal Gabler Doesn’t Speak for the American Middle Class
Tales of fuckuppery shouldn’t be championed as an assessment of what is happening to society at whole.
Dear Drunk Woman: A Comedian Apologizes
You might want to stop reading now, because that’s all that should be said. Apologies are supposed to stand on their own.