Stay Healthy And Avoid Ailments Setting In

by | Jan 10, 2022 | Contributed Post

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2022 we are hoping is a better year all around. 2020 and even 2021 were hard on everyone, due to working from home and Covid-19. A lot of people sat around not doing very much, potentially eating unhealthy food while feeling sorry for themselves. 

If you are saying this will be your year then grab it by the horns and lead it through to 2023. Read on to find out how you can be fit and healthy and avoid any weight-related ailments setting in and holding you back.


It is important you focus on what you eat, you don’t have to go cold turkey on all the junk food, just keep it to a minimum. You should be consuming a healthy balanced diet that consists of all the food groups your body needs to function. These include carbohydrates for energy, fats to act as an energy store, dairy for calcium and strong bones, proteins for muscle growth and cell repair, fruits for your immune system, and vegetables to aid with digestion. If you are unsure of portion sizes with the meals you eat then you can purchase portion dividers. You put these on your plate and fill the gap with your meal. 


Exercise is just as important as your diet. If you focus on both together then you will be happy and healthy through 2022 and beyond. It can be tricky to find the motivation to work out occasionally but once you get yourself into a fitness regime you will find it easier. The trick here is finding something you enjoy doing so it doesn’t feel like exercise. This could be anything from swimming to cycling. As long as you are getting your heart rate up and using important muscle groups then you will be doing good for your body. 

You could hit the gym either on your own or with a friend. It can be better attending with a friend as then you have some friendly competition to keep you motivated. There is lots of equipment to use in a gym that you don’t necessarily have access to at home. Take a look at this article on Steel Supplements to get an idea of which exercises are good for you in the gym. 


When you are dieting and exercising you will lose more water than you normally do. This could lead to dehydration rather quickly. Your body is made up of a large percentage of water so replacing what is lost through the day is vital. Believe it or not, you lose water through sweating, urinating, and even breathing. Your vital organs use water to function, this includes your brain. Without adequate hydration, you can start to feel tired and confused. Be sure to drink at least two litres of water a day, this equates to around eight glasses. 


Finally, you need to make sure you are getting enough sleep each night to stay healthy. This is usually around the eight-hour mark for adults. If you are not getting this level of sleep then you are at risk of exhaustion and your body not being able to fully repair itself. If you find you are tossing and turning and consequently waking up exhausted each morning then you need to figure out why. It may be that you have a lot going around in your head, or it could be something simple like your mattress causing you issues. 

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