Dating Apps Aren’t For Everyone – Here Are 5 Other Options

by | Jan 10, 2022 | Contributed Post

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While some people are able to find success through dating apps and dating sites, these dating platforms don’t work for everyone. Online dating can be very competitive and time-consuming. You need to be able to digitally market yourself enough to strike up a conversation with the right person – all before actually meeting that person face-to-face. If you find online dating exhausting and demoralizing, it could be time to move onto a new dating strategy. Fortunately, there are so many alternative dating options. Below are 5 options to consider. 

Dating chat lines

Communicating via online messages can be a long and awkward process for some people – you may have to wait hours for them to message you back (or they may never message you back at all) and in this time you may find yourself overanalyzing the whole conversation.

A phone conversation could allow you to get to know a person more quickly and more naturally. Dating chat line sites like can help you to connect with matches over the phone. If you prefer phone calls to messaging, it could be the way to go.

Speed dating events

With online dating, it can take ages before you ever meet someone in person – and when you do meet up you may find it hard to pick up the conversation and keep it going.

Speed dating events allow you to meet lots of potential dates face-to-face. You’re given a time limit to speak to each person, which forces you to choose your questions selectively, as well as not allowing conversations to run dry. There are likely to be many speed dating events in your area, which you can find advertised online.

Singles-only events

Singles-only events are events marketed at single people. Unlike a ‘dating’ event, there is no pressure to treat the event as a date – some people find that they are able to put their guard down and connect with people more naturally because of this. 

Single-only events can include club nights, cooking classes, wine tasting events, quizzes and games nights. You can also find hotels and even cruises targeted at single people such as these listed at

Professional matchmakers

Instead of having to look for a match yourself, what if you could hire a professional to find a match for you? 

This is exactly what professional matchmakers do. They help to find you a match based on your desired traits and your own personal traits. It can be a great way to skip to the face-to-face date part if you’re tired of swiping right and messaging people only to get no matches and replies. 

Matchmaking via friends/family

Instead of hiring a professional to set you up, you may be able to rely on your friends and family. This is particularly worthwhile if you have a large social circle – or maybe an individual friend/family member who seems to have a lot of connections. Just make sure that you trust their judgement so that you don’t end up being awkwardly paired up with someone who definitely isn’t your type. 

Image: Pexels. CCO Licensed.

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