To some people, living in a state like Iowa would be considered torture. Good on them; they can stay out. Leaves more Iowa for me to enjoy.
Nathan Timmel
The BlogEminem: A Revisionist History Not Told by Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell probably won’t turn his Revisionist History eye toward Eminem and Michael Jackson, but he should. As always, our outrage was misplaced.
My Friend Called Me Fat. I Needed to Hear It.
Is there a fine line between fat shaming, and brutal honesty? I think so. You may not agree, but give a read and let me know.
Some of My Best Friends are Stupid
Are your best friends people you have absolutely everything in common with, or do you associate with people you disagree with?
Do Nice Guys Finish Last?
There’s a belief that “Nice guys finish last,” but do they really? Isn’t the reality of the situation that genuine people finish first?
Q-Score and Your Kids
Pay attention, advertisers… if you want your Q-score to be a positive thing, make your offerings compelling. Kiddos are smarter than you think.
The Wisdom of Apathy
The older you get, the more apathy creeps into your bones. This is a good thing, I promise. Read on and find out why passion is overrated.
My Moment with Metallica
It’s not often an awkward teenage metal head gets to meet a Rock God, but back in the day I put in the effort to meet Metallica.
The Unforgiving Era
An apology used to have weight and meaning; you did something wrong, you learned from it, and you made amends; you asked for forgiveness.
The Problem With Free Products
When you use Gmail, Google, or Facebook, you’re using a free site. That means that when you have a problem, there is absolutely zero help available.
Four-Legged Adventures in my Neighborhood
We like to pretend that everyone is the same, but is that true? Walk your dog through several different neighborhoods and see what happens.
I was an Incel, Before Being an Incel was Cool
Hitler had a girlfriend. So if you’re alone, the problem is you.